
Closely Affiliated Dojos:
Sugawara Martial Arts Institute is the home dojo for Tetsutaka Sugawara Sensei. Located in Tokyo, Japan, Sugawara Martial Arts Institute is a center for Katori, Aikido, Karate, and other martial arts. Sugawara Sensei travels world wide teaching Katori Shinto-Ryu and Aikido.
Westwind Center for Aikido and Traditional Japanese Weaponry is located in rural Maple Park, IL approximately twelve miles northeast of DeKalb. The center, home to Russ Bodner Sensei, is a five-thousand square-foot training facility fixed in a gorgeous Midwest landscape of vast fields and open sky.
Aikido of Napa in Napa, CA is the dojo of Mark Jones Sensei. Jones Sensei is the most experienced and most senior teacher of Katori Shinto-Ryu in the United States.
Traditional Aikido of Santa Rosa was founded by Anthony Bell Sensei. Bell Sensei is one of only seven teachers of Katori Shinto-ryu in the United States.
Capital Katori Katori Shinto-ryu students of Sugawara-Sensei studying the Japanese sword, staff, naginata, and spear near Washington DC. The dojo is under the direction of Kyoshi Francis Hoang.
Other links of interest:
Fred Lohman Company in Portland, Oregon. A source for Japanese sword parts, supplies, custom made scabbards and professional Japanese sword restoration and repair. They also carry sword cleaning kits, oiI and cleaning paper.
Kivota Company (Mail order Only)
Specializes in Japanese made products. Hakama, jo, 20 different styles of bokken and sword related supplies. By mail at 2326 North Charles St., Baltimore MD 21218, or by phone: (800) 783-2232.
Entry level through higher quality swords, armor and related equipment. Contact Michael Crampton for excellent customer service. All blades offered will be individually inspected to insure that you receive a quality item. Excellent prices, plus free domestic shipping in the U.S.
Moderate to high quality iaito and fittings in all price ranges. Good value on good quality iaito. Many other martial arts supplies and uniforms for students of the sword arts. Shipped from Japan.
Target material for sword test cutting. This company is in California.
Randy Black
Professional sword restoration and repair for antique and contemporary swords. Located in Phoenix, Arizona. katanarb@cox.net (602) 604-7920